Ti's personal invitation to your future personal happiness and success.

Dear Friends,

I truly love my work, and I do have some time each month for private clients, and for those who would like to work with me directly the basic program is a healing empowering and fun journey, usually involving abut 15 hours of working together spread over a period of 6 to 8 weeks. During the process you learn to transform your whole life by creating the successful, powerful, love filled future that you really want, and re writing the past to clear the beliefs and blockages that keep you from getting what you want.

In the first session, we design a whole fulfilling and successful future for you, creating a vision of you being sussessful in all areas of your life; physical, emotional, financial, career, social, family, relationship, and spiritual. I then take you on a guided FutureVisioning Journey so you get to actually experience several happy, healthy, and joyful futures ... We usually go 3 years out, 10 years out, all the way out to meet your wise old self at the end of this totally fulfilling lifetime, and even beyond. Then, using the powerful hope and love that you find in your future, we go back into to heal the wounds and beliefs that are in your past that hold you back. Your whole life will change!

Ongoing sessions are designed to support your individual healing and growth process.

This takes place in person or over the phone. Since the process is focused on building your personal relationship with your future self, doing the work over the phone is just as effective as in person.

Healing happens much quicker when you are headed into a bright future, than when you are focused on the dis-ease. As you can read in the many success stories, the process of living your way into a magnificent future means that illnesses and problems are released along the way.

The power to heal, the power to change, and the power to create derive from your honesty, your courage and your willingness to really feel your emotions. The FutureVisioning process makes this fun and empowering, and the power within you makes everything possible.

If you are ready to create the awesome future that you really want and deserve, please Click here and let me know of your interest.

And, regardless of how we connect, whether we work together personally, through the books, tapes and seminars or through our free newsletter, I really do wish you a wonderfully healthy, happy and fulfilling Future.

All My Best,

Ti Caine

I have room for a few new private clients each month, so let’s get you started on this incredible journey into your Ideal Life. To schedule an appointment, or for more information about FutureVisioning Presentations, Seminars, Healing and Coaching, please contact me!

Future Visioning™, Goddess Cure™, The Power of the Future™, The Psychology of the Future™ and Desktop Meditation™ are trademarks of Ti Caine.
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