FutureVisioning is a revolutionary healing process that empowers you to design and create the life that you really want. This is the key to healing physical, mental and emotional dis-ease, and to maintaining and enjoying vibrant health.

The first step of any process, especially a healing journey, is to figure out where you want to go. Unfortunately, most people do not have a clear vision of where they want to go in life, and that is the underlying cause of most stress, tension and anxiety.

Try these two five second exercises and you will understand the real source of stress and disease in your life.

After you read this sentence, close your eyes and imagine for just five seconds that you are driving down a dark and foggy road and you aren't sure what is up ahead.....

Notice how your body felt? Did you feel the tension in your stomach? Can you still feel the tightness in your chest? Did you notice that you were holding your breath?

Now, again for just five seconds, close your eyes and imagine you are driving on a wide open road through a beautiful area, and imagine that you are going someplace really exciting.

Could you feel your body begin to relax even while you were reading the sentence, before you even did the exercise? Did you take a deeper breath? :-) Could you feel a sense of spaciousness and safety? A feeling of hope? What other sensations did you feel?

Now notice! You just went from stressed and dis-eased, to more relaxed and hopeful, in a matter of seconds.

Anxiety and unease ("dis-ease") and hope and excitement are all felt in the present, but they originate in our relationship with the future.

Just to illuminate this point, a client Lara suffered with horrible terror attacks for over two years. She had been to doctors, therapists, tried medicines, acupuncture, herbs and diet restrictions, etc., etc. Nothing had helped, and yet just by understanding that her anxiety was a normal reaction to the dark future she was imagining for herself, she totally healed her panic attacks during our first introductory talk, before we ever did a session.

Not everyone manifests full blown panic or anxiety attacks like she did, but everyone is affected by "stress." Doctors themselves say that in their own estimation, 80% to 90% of all doctor visits are stress related.

And the biggest source of stress in our lives is our unhealthy, undefined, foggy, scary relationship with our future!

The biggest problem people have is not with their past... it is with their future. People who are scared of their future usually call themselves "stressed" and their immune system gets worn out from constantly being on guard. Then they get sick, and when they get sick, they tend to focus on their illness and whether the dis-ease is physical, emotional or mental, it tends to grab their attention and their future gets even darker.

The FutureVisioning process helps people create an exciting and inspiring relationship with a bright future. It provides powerful tools and processes to actually heal whatever is in the past that is either clouding the future, or holding you back from moving forward into the future you want. FutureVisioningTm provides the key to healing in many unique and powerful ways:

  • Having an exciting and inspiring future literally gives us a reason to live. Many studies have shown that people who have something they are excited about in their future, live longer and more joyfully than those who have nothing to look forward to.
  • FutureVisioning is fundamental to all healing because having real hope for the future creates the energy and enthusiasm needed to process and heal the wounds, the fears and the blockages that create dis-ease. The FutureVisioning process includes a host of very powerful and unique processes not just to cope with the old issues, but to go into the past and actually heal the wounds, fears and negative beliefs.
  • FutureVisioning also provides the energy and enthusiasm to create new attitudes and behaviors that actually generate and maintain health.
  • By learning to create the future that you want, you can literally create a future where you enjoy vibrant health.
  • Imagining and connecting with a bright inspiring future is the source of enthusiasm and the core of every creative and healing process.

Through the FutureVisioning process, virtually every kind of illness that exists has been healed. This includes: Chronic fatigue syndrome, PMS, migraines, fears and phobias, allergies, panic attacks, depression, generalized anxiety, constipation, excessive worrying, cancer, vertigo, acne, sleeping problems, weight loss, back pain, smoking, asthma, fear of public speaking, low self-esteem, relationship problems, parent and child difficulties, communication problems, emotional difficulties, career change, lack of self-confidence, low self esteem, self-hate, and lack of self-forgiveness.

Everyone has the ability to imagine the future, but relatively few people use that ability to consistently focus on their most exciting futures. The people who do are called optimists. Some optimists have learned to access the power within themselves to powerfully manifest their visions, and these people are not only happy and successful, but they tend to be physically and emotionally healthy also.

Unfortunately, too many people have been taught that they are powerless. They feel that their life and their future is just going to happen to them and thus, they feel hopeless and angry all the time. They endlessly analyze the past, and without consciously being aware of it, they wind up using the power of their imagination to create clouded and often scary pictures of their future. The result is, they move through life as if driving through a scary fog, afraid that something bad is going to happen, feeling defensive and living in a constant state of anxiety.

Those scary futures and negative expectations actually create negative circumstances in their lives.

Sadly, in our society these people are considered normal. They are called stressed-out, bi-polar, depressed, and they often use drugs like marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and various anti-depressants; and behaviors like smoking, workaholism and overeating to try to cover up their anxiety.

The revolutionary discovery that is the core of the FutureVisioning healing process is that the greatest stress in our lives is not just the pain or sadness or loneliness that we may be burdened by today, the more devastating source of stress and dis-ease that makes us sick, is the fear that in the future we will never get what we want.

This unhealthy relationship with the future has affected people in epidemic numbers even before Sept. 11th and since that tragedy, especially with the increased visibility of terrorism, most people's relationship with their future has become even more threatening. The collapse of the Twin Towers and the physical damage done by terrorists is horrendous ... but the collapse of people's futures is even more devastating.

The collapse of hope, whether it happened as a result of many wounds in childhood, or whether it happened because of a particular traumatic event, leads to a numbness, depression and anxiety that can last for years.

Because most medical, psychological and even alternative practitioners do not understand that the core of hopelessness and anxiety is due to an unhealthy relationship with the future, they can only cover up or treat the symptoms, and often never really heal the problem.

This hopelessness and anxiety weakens the desire to live, and it has been proven that chronic fear and anxiety weakens our immune system and leads to illness.

However, by understanding the relationship with the future, and by tapping the resiliency and power of the human mind and human spirit, we can literally create hope.

We are powerful, and once the wounded relationship with the future is clearly understood, it can be worked with, it can be healed, and a bright vision can be developed that can be a source of inspiration, motivation and power. FutureVisioning creates this healing and transformation in people's hearts and minds. It not only teaches people how to understand how their vision of the future is affecting them — it actually teaches them how to design and create a wonderful future.

A positive relationship with the future gives us hope, and it gives us a reason to live. It is the reason we get up in the morning, it determines how we spend our day, and it profoundly affects how peacefully we sleep at night. Our expectations for achieving what we really want physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually, influence how we feel every day. Our optimism and enthusiasm effects every single cell in our bodies and leads directly to a state of health.

This relationship with the future is the most influential and important relationship in our entire lives.

As we develop the power to create a brighter future, we begin to trust that we will live a fulfilling life... and we immediately relax. We breathe easier and stress, anxiety and self-sabotage are immediately reduced, and often chronic tensions, illnesses and addictions disappear. We feel more peaceful, more centered and more enthusiastic. Our relationships work better and our day-to-day lives become less stressful and more intuitive. Decision making becomes more easier. We automatically avoid unproductive choices. Our joyful future acts like a giant magnet pulling us forward — making each day flow more smoothly, more gracefully and more successfully.

Ti Caine has been involved in the healing arts for over 30 years, and his unique understanding of the enormous power and influence of the future is what enables him to help so many people heal. He gets what the real problem is, and, therefore, can help you fix it.

Many people who want to heal physical or emotional illnesses have spent years analyzing their past, treating their symptoms with medical and alternative techniques, and often years more trying to just accept and be in the "now," but they are still sick. When they encounter Ti and his revolutionary understanding of the impact of their relationship with their future, they frequently experience an instant reduction in their anxiety, because they finally understand where their real problem is ... the dysfunctional relationship with their future. With this understanding, it is quite common that their actual physical symptoms start healing immediately and usually resolve quite quickly. One of the main messages from illnesses is that we need to work on our ability to create a bright and exciting future in order to be enthusiastic, passionate and healthy in our lives.

Ti has helped clients heal every kind of physical and emotional illness, and beyond the healing of the problem, he has helped them develop lives full of excitement, enthusiasm, creativity, success and love.

I have room for a few new private clients each month, so let’s get you started on this incredible journey into your Ideal Life. To schedule an appointment, or for more information about FutureVisioning Presentations, Seminars, Healing and Coaching, please contact me!

Future Visioning™, Goddess Cure™, The Power of the Future™, The Psychology of the Future™ and Desktop Meditation™ are trademarks of Ti Caine.
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